

Rocket = Arugula!

Rocket = Arugula!

arugula Rocket = Arugula!
I just had a complete “ah ha!” moment. Ok, so maybe many of you already know this, but “rocket” is European-speak for arugula! That really connects the dots on all those mystery sandwiches I used to eat in London that listed cheese, baguette, and rocket as primary ingredients. (I assumed it was a type of spread.)

Arugula is my leafy green of choice right now, I just can’t seem get enough of it! I adore its unique zingy punch most of all. It adds a kick to any salad. So I did a little more digging and discovered that it has been used by the French and Italians for centuries (no wonder I love it), and is also known as “rucola“, “roquette” or “ruchetta“. Interesting, no?
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